Namespaces vs Subdomains

November 07, 2021


When setting up a cloud environment, choosing the correct naming convention for your resources is essential. Two popular naming conventions include namespaces and subdomains. In this blog post, we will compare the two naming conventions and provide factual data when possible.


A namespace is a way to group related resources within a single domain name. This approach is popular among developers when building microservices. One of the significant advantages of using namespaces is the ability to separate concerns while being able to view all resources within a single domain.


A subdomain is a way to partition the domain name hierarchy. Using subdomains separates the resources according to the application or service function. This method is also used in creating several websites under one primary domain name.  


There are pros and cons to both naming conventions, so it's essential to select one based on your use case.

One significant advantage of using namespaces is the ability to manage multiple environments easier. Namespace allows for setting up various environment names under the same domain name potentially increasing security within the cloud environment.

Additionally, namespaces are an excellent approach when building microservices because it can help keep the logical grouping consistent. This consistent grouping can make finding critical resources easier.

Subdomains, on the other hand, have the flexibility of not depending on central IT teams. Creating subdomains allows for the creation and implementation of applications or services without the need for additional configuration from central IT teams.


In conclusion, both namespaces and subdomains offer different levels of convenience and flexibility for defining resource names. When selecting between the two, consider the needs of your resources and choose the naming convention that presents the optimal balance.


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